Web Scraping Tutorial

by: sagarvk90, 9 years ago

Pls add a web scraping tutorial in details from basic on how to find elements variable names on a webpage to automatic log in on a particular website and scrape the data.

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I may do one in the future just for kicks, but, basically, just use beautiful soup 4, and follow their tutorial on the website. The reason why I have not done a tutorial on it is because BS4 is very simple and I think their tutorial is fine http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/

-Harrison 9 years ago

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Thankyou very much

-sagarvk90 9 years ago

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Hi Harrison there is a python module called scrappy. I think it is a little bit more advanced.

-weisa610 9 years ago

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I am also aware of scrapy. Never needed anything more than bs4, so I have never used it, thanks for the pointer tho!

-Harrison 9 years ago

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